Looking to buy or sell a property?
We are there to help you.


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Gabriel Wiseman

Real Estate Broker

Ryan Katz

Residential Real Estate Broker

Aparecida Magalhaes


Isabelly Henriques


“We would recommend Gabe without a doubt! He helped us buy our first home and was extremely knowledgeable, positive, and honest. We always knew Gabe had our best interest in mind and went above and beyond in all parts of the process. Gabe is warm and a skilled in many languages so would be a great help to any customer!”

Veronica K.

“Gabriel did an amazing job taking us through the process of buying our first home. We had lots of questions and had very specific criteria so I can not imagine we were easy clients. Gabriel had loads of patience and calmly brought us through the whole process. Not once did we feel pressured into doing anything! He never rushed us or made us feel like clients, as he treated us as friends from day 1. He even found ways to lower the price for us, even though it was counter productive for him! Great guy! I wouldnt hesitate in contacting him again, whether it be to buy, or sell a home. Thanks Gabriel!

Sebastian B.

“Gabriel & Ryan were very professional. They were very prompt in replying to emails & questions. Always on top-of things. They went the extra mile. They really CARE about their clients & their needs. Ready to help at any moment. There was a follow up after the closings which was very appreciated. Words cannot express what needs to be said about Gabriel & Ryan!!! Thank you for an excellent job!!!!!!!!”

Rhonda J.

“Gabriel and his team were a pleasure to work with. Very responsive and passionate about their work. Would recommend 100%!”

Francis D.

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